
Kaleb is 8 months old

He is growing faster than I can track it!

He is super busy too...
  • In one month he went from rolling around, to army crawl to full on baby crawl.
  • He calls for me (nanannana)... that may also mean "feed me"
  • He call for Blake (dadadada)... that may also mean "play!"
  • He can clap his hands, but only when he decides. You can't really make him start.
  • He pulling himself up. We even had to lower the crib because I was afraid he was going to topple out!
  • Hes trying bits of food from Mommy and Daddy's plates. Its a hit or miss.
  • At Grandma and Grandpa Green's house, we learned that he loves to gnaw on chicken bones (striped clean first, of course)
  • He learned the baby sign for Milk, but he only does it while hes eating and wont do it to ask for milk.
  • He has NO teeth. Zero. But I can totally see the bottom two just below the surface of his gums. They're ready.
  • We're still facinated by him. Many nights, when Blake comes home from work, we'll all pile on the bed and watch him climb, clap and yell 
Though I sometimes miss my little ball of squishy, and sometimes look forward to having conversations with my son, I am COMPLETELY enjoying the stage we're in now. My little crawler, yeller, cuddly big baby boy.