Showing posts with label images. Show all posts
Showing posts with label images. Show all posts


Christmas 2012 (Take One)

This year my family did "Christmas Eve" on the 23rd.
It was at my aunts again and EVERYONE was there. 

Christmas is, in itself, exciting and wonderful. But this year, I made everyone's christmas gifts, so there was that extra anticipation. It was awesome.

Plus, this year, Kaleb actually opened his own presents! He's such a big boy. 

Kaleb and Jayden are BFFs. 

Jill and Chato are Bff's too.

Grandma was REALLY excited for presents.

Kaleb kept stealing his uncle's hat.

..but hed give it right back.

Peter was not amused.

Kaleb kept getting antsy in between his gift openings.

Kaleb's Nani (my grandma) gave him this little car wheel. He LOVED pushing every single button.

Our cousins, the Pulas, gave Kaleb this AWESOME blanket...

Toy Story and embroidered with his name. PERFECT.

Then Grandpa came over and gave Kaleb his very own plush Buzz Lightyear.

Cuddles ensued.

Mama and Baby Pula.

My aunt trying to make Kaleb happy...

Not so much.

Grandma opeing the Family Birthday Board I made for her.
(posting my "how-to" soon)

Jayden opening her Beach Blanket I made. (that was a tough one)

and baby Joseph with his monster plush
(possibly a how-to post coming for that)

Dad and Paul in a rare moment of love.

My cousin sneaking Kaleb food.

Neither of them care they got caught.

THIS is one of my favorite traditions.

Its a horrible old fruit cake that keeps getting passed from one family member to another for the past 20 years.
(Blake and I got it in 2007 and 2010)

Quick Green Family photo op

This is what they think they look like.

This is what they actually look like. :D

And now my cousin demonstraits the importance of sitting up for photos:

My family is awesome.


2012 Christmas Card (a Shutterfly copycat)

So for this year's Christmas card (donned with images from our Downtown Fullerton family session) I originally planned on ordering the lot from Shutterfly, found the perfect card and was about to order the one below...
Isn't it cute? This is a low resolution screen capture. NOT printable.

Well the price was not at all desirable  Way too much. Then I found and they were having 75% off card AND they would label and mail them FOR FREE!
Easy choice, right? Well when I looked at the options, I didn't see any designs I liked. 

So my solution was to make a copy cat design in photoshop. What do you think?
Its not 100% the same, but I really like it. 

There is always a solution.



Our week with Stinky - Lincy

Quinn and Becky (Blake's brother and sister in law) had the awesome opportunity to take a cruse with Quinn's company just before Christmas and Blake, Kaleb and I were lucky enough to have little Lincoln stay with us! 

I wrote Becky emails the whole week letting her know how her little guy was doing... the went something like this:

Sunday and Monday Morning
Lincoln is perfect. 
Hes supper happy and spent most of last night and this morning watching Kaleb and laughing.
Blake took the boys to mom and dads for dinner and everyone was good.

We gave the boys a bath together (Kaleb in the tub and Lincoln in the baby bath in the tub) Again, Lincoln was mostly curious and watching Kaleb.

Bedtime was smooth. We decided to put Lincoln in Kaleb's room, and I was nervous they would wake each other up, but they were perfect. After bath time  we diapered, lotioned and dresses them. Then it was story time, some cuddles and Lincoln went in the pack and play.

They both fussed for about 10 minutes then it was silent.

This morning Blake gave Lincoln a bottle and he played quietly with his toys in his highchair while I fed Kaleb. 

I love his cheeks, his toothless laughs and he seems to like it when I sneeze or kiss his cheeks or when kaleb gets excited and starts jumping.

Hes wonderful and happy.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Morning

Monday after first nap was eventful.
He DEVOURED his cereal. He kept grabbing the spoon and trying to get more in his mouth.
(Kaleb kept trying to get a taste too, and I kept telling him it was not big boy food... he didn't seem to care.)

After that, I decided to take the boys grocery shopping, so I got there at around noon and when I went to take them out of their car seats, both were sleeping. 
I thought it was better to let them sleep and figured I would go in after they woke up...
Two hours later, we finally went in. (so needless to say every ones schedule was off)

I don't normally do my grocery shopping at the Wal-Mart, but they had these awesome carts for multiple babies, so I had to take advantage.

After the store, we went home and played for while, took another nap and when Uncle Blake came Linc went nuts. (I think he sees Quinn in him or something, because he really loves to see him)

That night was awful. Kaleb was up ALL night, which was made worse by your perfect son's perfect example of a slumbering baby. :D

Tuesday morning was good, but everyone woke up at 8:00am, so the schedule was (again) thrown off a bit.

I called your mother, and she wanted to see Linc that day at around two, so I was going to drop him off and she said she would bring him home for bedtime.

So during Kaleb's nap, I was sure to get in my Lincoln cuddles during a feeding and we took a short (15 min or so) nap together on the couch. 
He seemed to really enjoy the one on one time.

Your mom and dad brought him back around 7:30pm after they had fed him dinner and given him a bath.

Last night was much better because we moved Linc's pack and play into our room. :)

This morning has been good so far. Linc slept in his car seat, because he was already sleeping when your mom brought him over and I didn't want to disturb him.
We woke up to his cooing ... and ten minutes later to Kaleb's yells.

It was cold, so after bottles, Blake took both boys a blanket and a heater and tried to warm everyone up.
Kaleb liked being so close to Lincoln and was giving him hugs and kisses. 

He also tried to teach him all about ears

Wednesday and Thursday Morning
Wednesday post nap was the usual.

We all had breakfast and Kaleb and Lincoln looked adorable.
Kaleb enjoyed "tickling" Lincoln's toes (which basically means kaleb scrunched up and said "gitchagitchagitcha" as Lincoln kicked furiously)

Then it was Kaleb's naptime, or as I like to say "Lincoln's favorite part of the day"

Lincoln and I cuddled as he ate and then I put him in Kaleb's jumper and walked around him, pretending to jump in surprise every so often. 
Your son thinks I'm hilarious. 

After Kaleb work up, Lincoln sat in the hight chair playing with his monkey as I fed Kaleb.
We all relaxed a bit more until your mom picked him up at 2:00pm.

He came home around 8:00pm all fed and bathed and ready for bed.

This morning he woke up happy, had his bottle and spit up all over Blake. 
It was ok though because Linc was smiling about it.

Today is Blake's day off, so we're all hanging out today. 

We also broke out Kaleb's old swing, which Lincoln seemed to dig. He ended up taking his nap in the swing. Kaleb tried to push him a couple times too. We're still learning "nice".

So basically, everyone had a great time! I love this little guy and was sad to see him go. We'll miss our Stinky Lincy!