Showing posts with label dad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dad. Show all posts


San Fran with Dad (Iphone version)

Dad came to visit us and it was so wonderful to see him!
Kaleb took a little while to reconnect to Grandpa, but once he did they were best buds. 
We took a day trip to San Francisco. It was awesome.
these are just the few images I captured with my phone. I have much better ones (to come) that I captured with my actual camera.


Memorial Day 2011

Ok, so … its been over a month, but I still wanted to share some fun images from our ward Memorial Day Picnic. :D

 Freesia and I made this very patriotic cake for the picnic (it was going to be cake balls, but… eh. We were tired.)

Also, for some reason I have NO pictures of Jordan and Freesia… But they were there and we love them. :-)

Blake had lots of fun beating down the kids from his Sunday School class...

…see how proud he is? :D

 We even got to spend some time with Kara and her little doll, Evie. 

Another friend from church, Kim, is also expecting her first! Her little girl is due to arrive this August. :D

Love this Bump picture. <3

 This is Morgan, Kim's hubby/Blake's fellow Daddy-to-be. 
Such a fun day! (and F.Y.I. - my shirt says "Bellies are always in Style")

This Memorial day also happened to be my father's birthday! I neglected to bring my camera to his place (again!) but enjoy this favorite "Dad classic"

Its about 6 years old, but still my favorite! I love you, Dad!