
Trunk or Treating at Church

The Saturday before Halloween was our wards Halloween Party (AKA: Trunk or Treating)
Kaleb went as a little monkey (his costume was given to us before he was born by my cousin.) and Blake and I were minimal effort trees (basically we wore brown bottoms and green tops)

The party started after his normal bedtime, so he was rather sleepy at first.

Grandma's cauldron of toys was a hit.

Dragon friend came to play for a while...

Then Monkey chilled with Alice and her brother, Super man



After that,  along came a cutie Lion

and Lion was tired

so he took a nap.

But Kaleb had one more friend to see...

We couldn't stay away from tinker bell!

Monkey in the trees.

love love love. :D

first trunk or treat!

and this is the scary eyes cupcakes Mom and I made for the party.
For some reason, they had dinner in the parking lot and games in the cultural hall (usually its dinner in the cultural hall and games in the quad) and it was so dark and kids were running all over the place outside as cars came and went. And although many parents stood guard it seemed a bit dangerous to me. If its that way next year, we probably wont go, as Kaleb will be much more mobile (and faster).

Despite the random location change, it was fun and good to see everyone all dressed up!

1 comment

  1. Oh he's so cute! Those are some awesome pictures. :)
