
Painted Paper Doilies : I Love Our "Us"

I felt crafty.
I was also inspired by all the Pinterest amazingness, I thought I'd try to create my own little project. (though I'm sure someone else somewhere has done something like this)
I used grey, green and brown acrylic paint.
(I just bought the cheapest kind)

I bought regular paper doilies in two sizes and painted with my handy little roller

I tried out different positions for the doilies on my blank 12x12 canvas
I also got large silver letters from the scrap booking aisle at Michael's 

Placed the letters in their position before I stuck them on
I had to tape the large doilies around the corners of the canvas, but used spray adhesive for the rest of them
and used spray Modge Podge to give it a glossy look.

Doesn't it look lovely on our Television cabinet?

Heres a closer look. I let the canvas lay over night on its face, that flattened out any doily curling.
Michaels was having a HUGE canvas sale, packs of 7 and 10 for $15 and less depending on the size. I'm unsure if its still going on, but I also made our kitchen wall canvases with them
(I'll blog about that little project next.)


  1. That turned out so very cute! I'm impressed with your craftiness. That's an awesome canvas sale too. Those things can get expensive. Maybe someday I will feel crafty and try a new project. Maybe. :)

  2. What a great blog! I am visiting from MBC! I look forward to following your blog. Come and visit Mama's Little Chick when you can and say hi. What a wonderful craft! Have a great day!

    Mama Hen
